引入或更新: v1.2.344
本页描述了在 databend-query.toml 配置文件中可用的查询节点配置。
下表中列出的一些参数可能不在 databend-query.toml 中。如果您需要这些参数,可以手动将它们添加到文件中。
您可以在 GitHub 上找到为各种部署环境设置 Databend 的示例配置文件。这些文件仅供内部测试使用。请勿为您的目的修改它们。但如果您的部署环境类似,在编辑您自己的配置文件时参考它们是一个好主意。
[query] 部分
以下是 [query] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
max_active_sessions | 最大活动会话数。 |
shutdown_wait_timeout_ms | 等待的超时时间,单位为毫秒。 |
flight_api_address | 监听 Databend-Query 集群 shuffle 数据的 IP 地址和端口。 |
admin_api_address | Admin REST API 的地址。 |
metric_api_address | Metrics REST API 的地址。 |
mysql_handler_host | MySQL 查询处理程序的主机名。 |
mysql_handler_port | MySQL 查询处理程序的端口。 |
clickhouse_http_handler_host | ClickHouse HTTP 查询处理程序的主机名。 |
clickhouse_http_handler_port | ClickHouse HTTP 查询处理程序的端口。 |
http_handler_host | HTTP API 查询处理程序的主机名。 |
http_handler_port | HTTP API 查询处理程序的端口。 |
flight_sql_handler_host | 实验性 Arrow Flight SQL API 查询处理程序的主机名。 |
flight_sql_handler_port | 实验性 Arrow Flight SQL API 查询处理程序的端口。 |
tenant_id | 默认租户 ID。 |
cluster_id | 默认集群 ID。 |
table_engine_memory_enabled | 启用 Memory 表引擎的标志。 |
max_running_queries | 可以同时执行的最大查询数,默认为 8,0 表示无限制。 |
data_retention_time_in_days_max | 设置 data_retention_time_in_days 设置的上限,默认值为 90 天。 |
[query.users] 部分
以下是 [[query.users]] 部分中可用的参数列表。有关配置管理员用户的更多信息,请参阅配置管理员用户。
参数 | 描述 |
name | 用户名。 |
auth_type | 认证类型(例如,no_password, double_sha1_password, sha256_password)。 |
auth_string | 认证字符串(例如,密码的 SHA-1 或 SHA-256 哈希)。 |
[query.settings] 部分
以下是 [query.settings] 部分中可用的参数列表。
参数 | 描述 |
aggregate_spilling_memory_ratio | 控制聚合操作期间将数据溢出到磁盘的阈值。当内存使用量超过总可用内存的此百分比时,数据将被溢出到对象存储以避免内存耗尽。示例:如果设置为 60,则在内存使用量超过 60% 时发生溢出。 |
join_spilling_memory_ratio | 控制连接操作期间将数据溢出到磁盘的阈值。当内存使用量超过总可用内存的此百分比 时,数据将被溢出到对象存储以避免内存耗尽。示例:如果设置为 60,则在内存使用量超过 60% 时发生溢出。 |
[log] 部分
此部分可以包括三个子部分:[log.file]、[log.stderr]、[log.query] 和 [log.tracing]。
[log.file] 部分
以下是 [log.file] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
on | 启用或禁用文件日志记录。默认为 true。 |
dir | 存储日志文件的路径。 |
level | 日志级别:DEBUG、INFO 或 ERROR。默认为 INFO。 |
format | 日志格式:json 或 text。默认为 json。 |
limit | 确定要保留的最大日志文件数。默认为 48。 |
[log.stderr] 部分
以下是 [log.stderr] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
on | 启用或禁用 stderr 日志记录。默认为 false。 |
level | 日志级别:DEBUG、INFO 或 ERROR。默认为 DEBUG。 |
format | 日志格式:json 或 text。默认为 text。 |
[log.query] 部分
以下是 [log.query] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
on | 启用将查询执行详细信息记录到日志目录中的 query-details 文件夹。默认为 on。在存储空间有限时考虑禁用。 |
[log.tracing] 部分
以下是 [log.tracing] 部分中可用的参数列表:
Parameter | Description |
bucket | The name of the S3 bucket used for storage. |
region | The region where the S3 bucket is located. |
endpoint_url | The endpoint URL for the S3 service. If you are using a custom S3-compatible service, you can specify the endpoint URL here. |
access_key_id | The access key ID for authenticating with the S3 service. |
secret_access_key | The secret access key for authenticating with the S3 service. |
use_aws_sdk_default_behavior | Defaults to false. Set it to true to use the AWS SDK default behavior for S3 authentication. |
use_virtual_addressing | Defaults to true. Set it to false if you want to use path-style addressing instead of virtual-hosted-style addressing for S3 bucket access. |
disable_credential_loader | Defaults to false. Set it to true to disable the AWS SDK credential loader, which is useful when you want to manage credentials manually. |
force_path_style | Defaults to false. Set it to true to force the use of path-style addressing for S3 bucket access, even if virtual-hosted-style addressing is available. |
auto_switch_region | Defaults to false. Set it to true to enable automatic region switching for S3 bucket access. |
enable_ssl | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SSL for S3 bucket access. |
enable_virtual_host_bucketing | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable virtual host bucketing for S3 bucket access. |
max_read_capacity | The maximum read capacity for S3 bucket access. |
min_read_capacity | The minimum read capacity for S3 bucket access. |
max_write_capacity | The maximum write capacity for S3 bucket access. |
min_write_capacity | The minimum write capacity for S3 bucket access. |
read_replicas | The number of read replicas for S3 bucket access. |
write_replicas | The number of write replicas for S3 bucket access. |
read_timeout | The read timeout for S3 bucket access. |
write_timeout | The write timeout for S3 bucket access. |
connect_timeout | The connect timeout for S3 bucket access. |
retry_count | The number of retries for S3 bucket access. |
retry_backoff_millis | The backoff time in milliseconds between retries for S3 bucket access. |
max_retry_backoff_millis | The maximum backoff time in milliseconds between retries for S3 bucket access. |
enable_md5_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable MD5 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_crc32_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable CRC32 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha1_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA1 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha512_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA512/224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha512_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA512/256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sha3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHA3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2b_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2b checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_keccak_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Keccak checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_ripemd160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable RIPEMD-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_whirlpool_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Whirlpool checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_tiger_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Tiger checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_snefru_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Snefru checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_gost_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable GOST checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_haval_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable HAVAL checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_md4_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable MD4 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_md2_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable MD2 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_adler32_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Adler32 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_crc32c_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable CRC32C checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_fnv_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable FNV checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_murmur3_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable Murmur3 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_siphash_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SipHash checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_xxhash_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable XXHash checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_cityhash_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable CityHash checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_farmhash_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable FarmHash checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_metrohash_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable MetroHash checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_sm3_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SM3 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_shake128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHAKE128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_shake256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable SHAKE256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2bp_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2bp checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2sp_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2sp checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2b_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2b-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2b_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2b-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2b_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2b-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2b_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2b-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake2s_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE2s-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-256 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_384_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-384 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_512_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-512 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_128_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-128 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_160_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-160 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_224_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to false to disable BLAKE3-224 checksum for S3 bucket access. |
enable_blake3_256_checksum | Defaults to true. Set it to |
参数 | 描述 |
bucket | 您的 Amazon S3 兼容存储桶的名称。 |
endpoint_url | S3 兼容存储服务的 URL 端点。默认为 "https://s3.amazonaws.com"。 |
access_key_id | 用于与存储服务进行身份验证的访问密钥 ID。 |
secret_access_key | 用于与存储服务进行身份验证的秘密访问密钥。 |
enable_virtual_host_style | 布尔标志,指示是否启用虚拟主机样式寻址。 |
external_id | 用于身份验证的外部 ID。 |
master_key | 用于身份验证的主密钥。 |
region | S3 兼容存储服务的区域。 |
role_arn | 用于身份验证的 ARN(Amazon 资源名称)。 |
root | 指定 Databend 将从中操作的存储桶内的目录。示例:如果存储桶的根目录中有一个名为 myroot 的文件夹,则 root = "myroot/" 。 |
security_token | 用于身份验证的安全令牌。 |
[storage.azblob] 部分
以下是 [storage.azblob] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
endpoint_url | Azure Blob 存储的 URL 端点(例如,https://<your-storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net )。 |
container | 您的 Azure 存储容器的名称。 |
account_name | 您的 Azure 存储账户的名称。 |
account_key | 用于与 Azure Blob 存储进行身份验证的账户密钥。 |
root | 指定 Databend 将从中操作的存储桶内的目录。示例:如果存储桶的根目录中有一个名为 myroot 的文件 夹,则 root = "myroot/" 。 |
[storage.gcs] 部分
以下是 [storage.gcs] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
bucket | 您的 Google Cloud Storage 存储桶的名称。 |
credential | 用于 Google Cloud Storage 身份验证的服务账户密钥文件的 base64 编码。 |
root | 指定 Databend 将从中操作的存储桶内的目录。示例:如果存储桶的根目录中有一个名为 myroot 的文件夹,则 root = "myroot/" 。 |
要获取 credential
,您可以按照 Google 文档中的主题 创建服务账户密钥 来创建并下载服务账户密钥文件。下载服务账户密钥文件后,您可以通过以下命令将其转换为 base64 字符串:
base64 -i -o ~/Desktop/base64-encoded-key.txt
[storage.oss] 部分
以下是 [storage.oss] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
bucket | 您的阿里云 OSS 存储桶的名称。 |
endpoint_url | 阿里云 OSS 的 URL 端点。 |
access_key_id | 用于与阿里云 OSS 进行身份验证的访问密钥 ID。 |
access_key_secret | 用于与阿里云 OSS 进行身份验证的访问密钥 密钥。 |
presign_endpoint_url | 用于阿里云 OSS 预签名操作的 URL 端点。 |
root | 指定 Databend 将从中操作的存储桶内的目录。示例:如果存储桶的根目录中有一个名为 myroot 的文件夹,则 root = "myroot/" 。 |
[storage.obs] 部分
以下是 [storage.obs] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
bucket | 您的华为云 OBS 桶的 名称。 |
endpoint_url | 华为云 OBS 的 URL 端点。 |
access_key_id | 用于与华为云 OBS 进行身份验证的访问密钥 ID。 |
secret_access_key | 用于与华为云 OBS 进行身份验证的访问密钥秘密。 |
[storage.cos] 部分
以下是 [storage.cos] 部分中可用的参数列表:
参数 | 描述 |
bucket | 您的腾讯云对象存储(COS)桶的名称。 |
endpoint_url | 腾讯云 COS 的 URL 端点(可选)。 |
secret_id | 用于与腾讯云 COS 进行身份验证的密钥 ID。 |
secret_key | 用于与腾讯云 COS 进行身份验证的密钥。 |
root | 指定 Databend 将在桶内操作的目录。例如:如果桶的根目录有一个名为 myroot 的文件夹,那么 root = "myroot/" 。 |